Yep, Emery started crawling today! She has been working on it for a while and today it all clicked. Enjoy the video below.
Yep, Emery started crawling today! She has been working on it for a while and today it all clicked. Enjoy the video below.
She is such a happy girl.
A few of her favorite things to do are:
Below is a picture of Emery and her best friend, Abbie! She loves to watch her and laughs at her more then she does anyone else. Emery gives Abbie a big smile every morning and Abbie returns with a lick to the face!
Happy 6 months Emery! We love you!
Saturday was such a nice day that we decided to go hang out in the back yard. Our neighbor’s dog was over trying to give Abbie some much needed exercise. The dogs were chasing each other around barking as they ran. For some reason Emery thought it was so funny. She laughed and laughed and continued to laugh even when we got the video camera out. The loud barking is our little Abbie, who thinks that when she runs she has to bark. Emery seems to be a little scared at first, but eventually gets a kick out of it.
We Love You Emery!