Saturday, November 15, 2008

We have a Crawling Girl!

Yep, Emery started crawling today! She has been working on it for a while and today it all clicked. Enjoy the video below.


Nourishing Creations said...

Woo! Go Emery. It's cool to see them try so hard to get their body to do what they want it to! Next is pulling up, watch out!

Bailey said...

That is so cute!!! XOXOXOXO

Ross and Aubrey said...

I can't believe it!!
Good luck, cause now she'll never sit still again :)

Amy said...

Hooray!!! Life just got that much more exciting for you then eh? She's so cute!

Amy said...

Yeah Emrey! What a cutie! Your life just got harder! AS

Barnes said...

I love her butt in the air! And they only get faster. You can't turn your head for a second!

Megan said...

I think that what she is doing is actually called crawalking. Lance, did you show her how to do that. She is unbelievably adorable. Can't wait to see it in person.

The Gag-nears said...

wow that is early! Your life will never be the same. This is the milestone that you will wish you never wished for! J/k. She is SO CUTE!

Unknown said...

She is SUCH a beautiful girl! Look at her crawl. What a fun thing to have recorded!

Sherrie Batty said...

Hooray for Emery... I bet she will be walking pretty quickly, she looks like she has strong legs and is already trying to stand on them. It is so great to see your blog... I am and will always be so grateful the blessing you brought into our family thanks... Have a great day.

Melissa said...

So Cute!!

Bailey said...

how does it feel to have the cutest baby in the world? Hahaha.