I finally figured out how to get our videos from the camera to the blog! Here is a clip of Emery rolling over. She started rolling over a couple of weeks ago, and it scared me to death the first time because I wasn't expecting it. She loves to roll over now and does it every time she is on the ground. She rolls from her back to her stomach and then starts to talk. She likes being on her stomach so she hasn't figured out how to go from her stomach to her back. I can tell she thinks it is pretty cool because she won't stop doing it. Her favorite time is while her diaper is being changed.
Good Job Emery, but stop growing up so fast!
Wow! What a big girl! And she's so determined - she doesn't let a silly little arm get in her way! She just plows on through! And that's pretty amazing that she learned to roll from her back to her stomach first, usually it's the other way around. She must be gifted!
P.S. I'm so glad you figured out how to post your videos! I'm hope that's not the last one we'll get to see! ;)
Ha ha that's so cute!! She's getting so big!
That is so stinkin' cute!!! And those thighs...sheesh! She's a chunk...so adorable!
I can't believe she's rolling over! Brenna just started and she's 6 months.
You better watch out, she'll be crawling in no time!!
oh big girl! i love her so much she is so cute!
I can't believe how big she is getting. It happens so fast. Enjoy every one of these moments. They only happen once.
Wow! That is speedy! I was waiting for Jade to roll over for like 5 months! She would always get stuck on her arm and just couldn't figure it out! Watch out she'll be rolling all over the house soon! Jade rolls as her method of transportation right now. (She rolls under the bed, into the walls, gets stuck on the couch, etc. It's quite fun! lol)
GoodNESS that girl it getting so big. She is SUCH a dawl. Love her.
The first big milestone! I am so proud of little Emery. She is the cutest thing ever! I still can't get over that you are a mom and i can't wait to see you this Friday! I am so excited! Thanks for the call it meant a lot!
its fun to see them grow up and learn new things but each time they do, life gets tougher on the mom =) pretty soon she'll be running. they grow up way too fast
HELLO ADRI...I am bored out of my mind here on a Sunday afternoon with Troy down in town and I somehow found your BLOG. I love it. Your daughter is so freaking cute. I love her hair. Now I can keep in touch with you instead of just at showers.
I just wanted to say hi to lance. I am an old friend. I ran into your blog on a friends. Anyways I hope you don't think I'm weird for leaving a message. The baby is adorable. Hope all is well with your family.
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