Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I've been tagged

What is your husband’s name? Lance

How long have you been together? Married 7 years in July

How long did you date? Just over a year.

Who said I love you first? Lance

Who is smarter? Lance thinks he is smarter, but it depends on the subject.

Who does the housework? I do most of the house work but Lance cleans the bathrooms! He is the best husband ever!

Who sleeps on the right? I do, does that matter?

Who pays the bills? Me, I have a system.

Who cooks dinner? Lance, he is a great cook!

Who drives when you are together? Lance

Who is more stubborn? I would say Lance, but I have my moments.

Who kissed who first? Lance kissed me

Who asked out whom first? Jamie told me that Lance wanted to go out with me, and then she told Lance that I wanted to go out with him. So, my answer would have to be Jamie.

Who proposed? Lance proposed at The Roof restaurant the day he bought the ring because he was so excited! I loved it!

Who has more siblings? Lance does. There are 8 kids in his family and my family has 3

Who wears the pants? Either Emery or Abbie

I tag Amy Soffe, sorry!


Anonymous said...

You're a quick responder on the tagging, I'm impressed. Sorry about the tagging, but it actually was kind of fun, don't you think??

Amy said...

Cute tagging!? So what exactly does that mean to be tagged?

mikelle said...

That was fun to hear all about you and Lance! Thanks for keeping the tagging going!

Amy - you just answer all the questions and post it on your blog. Then tag someone else at the end.