Emery is now two months old. I can’t believe how fast it has gone having her around. She is so much fun and I am so blessed to have such a wonderful baby!
Emery went to her two month well child check today. She is very healthy so far and is doing great. She is currently 12 lbs 6 oz (84%) and 24 inches (95%). She is growing so fast and has been such a fun baby. She is smiling more and more and is nice enough to let her mom and dad sleep for about 6 hours straight at night. (Knock on wood!!!)
Emery had to get some immunizations today at her check up. That is such a sad thing for a parent to have to watch. Emery was smiling at the nurse right before the shots. Then that happy face quickly changed to a huge frown along with crying and tears. Emery seemed okay shortly after the doctor and fell asleep for quite a while. The doctor warned me that she might be fussy and may need some Tylenol. I didn’t think much of it until she woke up from her nap screaming. She has never cried like that before and when I picked her up I could tell that it just made it worse. Thanks to Jamie, coworker who gave me a wonderful baby shower gift, I had some Tylenol drops handy. Emery is now back to smiling, at least until she needs more of the Heaven sent Tylenol.