Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Lance is Officially Done!!!

Lance graduated from Utah State University with his MBA!!! We are so excited for him, and us! He walked at the graduation ceremony in May and just finished his last class on Saturday! We are so proud of him and are so grateful for all of the support everyone has given us! THANK YOU family and friends! There are pictures below of our little Lancey and some other things we have been up too!

Here is our family on Mother's Day! Emery made me that Mom sign in Nursery. She isn't old enough for nursery but loves it and doesn't care if we are there or not!

Emery on Sunday in the new dress that my mom bought her. It is so cute! Thanks again Mom!

Lance has been playing softball on Thursday nights with some of his friends. Here he is making a Sweet stop at first! "Batter out at first!" Way to go Lance!

Emery Looovvves the water! She gets so excited in the pool and loves every minute of it. She is very brave and will jump to us from off the side into the pool! She also loves to put her head down like she is going to drink the water. Very funny!

So, I decided to go back to school this summer. Any guesses what kind of school I am doing? Yep, Cosmetology! I love it! And I have the best little client to practice on!

Here was the outcome! Not bad for Emery taking half of them out before they were dry!

Here we go!!! Lance on his last day of class! He sure was excited!

This was just seconds before the previous pictures when he was trying to hold the excitement in!

Lance and his MBA buddies at graduation! Thanks T-Bear and Gorgeous George for taking care of our Lancey every weekend! I know he is going to miss you guys, and the free drinks!

Emery sure loves her Dad!
Just melts my heart!
We Love You Lancey!!!


mikelle said...

Congratulations Lance!! We are so proud of you! I bet you're loving not being in school anymore!

Emery is so cute! I can't believe how grown up she is! How did you sneak her into nursery? :)

I miss you guys!! Let's do the webcam thing again soon!

Nourishing Creations said...

Haha the photos are great. Congrats and wow Emery has lots of hair! Fun curler time! I think that is neat you are going back to school for that, I need to find something to get me doing something new too!

Melissa said...

Emery is so cute!!!

The Gag-nears said...

Congrats to Lance!! I cannot wait for the MA degree graduation. I will be jumping in the air excited!! Yeah! emery is so cute! Love the hair. Hope your school is going good. You guys are awesome. Can't wait to see you Thursday.

Unknown said...

YAY LANCE! BEST NEWS EVER!!! Where are you going to school? I will come and be your model ANYTIME! SO so so cool!

Love Emery's little red dress, can't get enough of her!

Grandmakicki said...

Glad to see pictures of the great day of many hours of study time and a way from home time. Great job.

Smithers said...

Yea Lance! That is so AWESOME! Good for you for finishing. I love all the new pics. Emery always was one of the cutest babies, she's turned into a little knockout! Miss you guys.

Jared and Tiffany said...

That is very exciting! Congratulations. Jared gets done next semester and I can't wait. It is very exhausting. Very cute blog Adri. I can't believe how big Emery is. Time flies by way to fast.